Friday, February 18, 2011

Birth Order Trait

Psychologists claim that our birth order determines our character. Previous studies claim, among others, that:

The eldest child

more responsible, mature, often a perfectionist, a good leader, higher IQ, low self-esteem.   

The middle child 

(any child born in between the eldest and the youngest)

not an over achiever, creative, artistically inclined, often felt neglected, lack of direction. 

The youngest child

often get away with anything, not independent, often not taken seriously. 


Actually, the statements above is based on the personal opinion and depends on the environmental situation. Everybody have their own opinion based on their experience and knowledge. 

For me, the statement above have their pro and contra because from what i was seen around me, sometimes the statement above have their logical but sometimes it can not be trust.Family is the main basement to create their child, how they teach their child, the way they shown their self in front of their child. All this will effect the growth of their child and also the attitude. 

As a conclusion, the eldest, middle, and the youngest child is the same, the character of every person is depend on how they carry their self.             


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